Oluklu mukavva ambalaj çözümleri | Mondi Corrugated Turkey

ThinkBox by Mondi
ThinkBox fosters creativity and knowledge sharing by bringing together the right set of people and all the relevant expertise.

About Mondi Corrugated Turkey
Mondi Corrugated Turkey is a trusted supplier in Türkiye, employing more than 1,500 people in eight box plants, one paper mill and one waste paper recycling facility. You can rely on us to deliver innovative solutions and meet the needs of the market by providing high-quality products and services.
Corrugated Insights
As an investor you can achieve value accretive growth sustainably thanks to our focused long-term strategy and proven record of driving success and creating shareholder value.
How can we help?
We're passionate about providing exceptional packaging solutions and can't wait to hear from you!